Sum of two matrices using two dimensional array in C

Matrix is the perfect example of a two-dimensional array. It has row and column. A row represents one dimension and column represents the second dimension. For example matrix[4][5], it has 4 rows, each row consisting 5 elements i.e matrix[0] has 5 elements, matrix[1] has 5 elements and so on. In this example, two matrices are added and the result is displayed. Addition is done with corresponding elements of individual matrix i.e. matrix1[0][0] is added with matrix2[0][0].
The complete source code and output are given here….(The code is also available on GitHub). Here are related articles about matrix operation.

  1. Multiplication of Two Matrices in C

Source Code

//Sum of two matrices using two dimensional array
int main(){
 int matrix1[10][10], matrix2[10][10], sum[10][10], i, j, m,n,p,q;
 printf("Enter the order of first matrix: ");
 printf("Enter the order of second matrix: ");
 if(m!=p && n!=q){
  printf("Order of matrix did not matched!!");
 printf("Enter first matrix: \n");
 for(i = 0 ; i 



The above program allocates the fixed memory to store the matrix. The program below shows the dynamic memory allocation to allocates the memory to store the matrix.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 int rows, columns, i, j;
 int **matrix1, **matrix2;
 if (argc != 3) {
  printf("Usage: outputfile rows columns\n");
 rows = atoi(argv[1]);
 columns = atoi(argv[2]);
 // allocate memory for matrices
 matrix1 = (int**) malloc (sizeof(int*) * columns);
 for (i = 0; i 
