o significado do seguinte código de montagem, help

o seguinte código é de U-boot:

        /* Initialize GOT pointer.
        ** Global symbols can't be resolved before this is done, and as such we can't
        ** use any global symbols in this code.  We use the bal/ move xxx,ra combination to access
        ** data in a PC relative manner to avoid this.  This code will correctly set the
        ** gp regardless of whether the code has already been relocated or not.                                                          
        ** This code determines the current gp by computing the link time (gp - pc)                                                      
        ** and adding this to the current pc.                                                                                            
        ** runtime_gp = runtime_pc + (linktime_gp - linktime_pc)                                                                         
        ** U-boot is running from the address it is linked at at this time, so this                                                      
        ** general case code is not strictly necessary here.                                                                             

/*Branch and link to get current PC in ra */                                                                                     
        bal     1f                                                                                                     
        .extern _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_                                            
        .word   _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_  /* This contains the linked address of the GOT */                                                 
        /* The ra register now contains the runtime address of the above memory location */                                              

        .word   . - 4                  /* This contains the link time address of the previous word,                                      
                                        which is also what the link time expected PC value is */                                         
        move    gp, ra    /* Move current PC into gp register */                                                                         
        lw      a5, 0(ra) /* Load linked address of the GOT into a5 */                                                                   
        lw      a6, 4(ra) /* Load the link time address of the GOT storage location into a6 */                                           
        sub     a5, a6    /* Subtract a6 from t1. */                                                                                     
        /* a5 now contains the difference between the link-time GOT table address and the link time expected PC */                       

        /* Add this difference to the current PC (copied into gp above) so that gp now has the current runtime                           
        ** GOT table address */                                                                                                          
        daddu   gp, a5  # calculate current location of offset table              

não entendo 3 directiva acima:

.word _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ //what the meaning after declaring it as a external symbol?
.word . -4  //and also this one?


Author: Peer Stritzinger, 2011-03-02

1 answers


O símbolo está descrito fora desta unidade de compilação. Resolva - o no tempo de ligação.


Atribua uma palavra com valor de memória e coloque o endereço do símbolo neste local

.word . - 4

Pegue a localização actual, ., subtraia 4 e coloque esse valor numa palavra de memória. Semelhante ao código anterior, exceto o valor que está sendo colocado neste local está sendo calculado.

Aqui está um link com uma lista de muitos dos montadores Directiva.

Author: linuxuser27, 2011-03-02 15:35:25