Jogo simples de enforcamento em C++ [fechado]

oi então eu comecei c++ 3 dias atrás, ler alguns tutoriais etc. Eu queria fazer o meu próprio jogo de Carrasco já que parecia uma tarefa fácil para um mendigo, mas eu tropecei em um problema. Está tudo a funcionar bem, excepto que não consigo encontrar uma maneira de fazer uma troca de texto de 1 letra com sublinhados até que os sublinhados mudem para a palavra em falta. Então, basicamente, quando você compila, você pode adivinhar a palavra inteira apenas.

Aqui está o código:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string player1,player2,word,underscore,guess;
int wrong=0;
int main (){
string copy = word;

cout << "----------------------Hello! Welcome to the HANGMAN game!----------  ----------" << endl;
cout << "Please type in your name, PLAYER 1" << endl;
cin >> player1;
cout << "Please type in your name, PLAYER 2" << endl;
cin >> player2;
cout << "OK " << player1 << " and " << player2 << ". Let's start with the    game!" << endl;
cout << player1 << " please input the word you want " << player2 << " to guess." << endl;

cin >> word;

for (int x=0; x<30; x++){
cout << endl;

while (underscore.size() != word.size()){

cout << underscore << endl;

cin >> guess;

if(guess.size() > 1){
cout << "Thats the right word." << endl;
cout << underscore << endl;
cout << "Wrong word try again." << endl;
cout << "Used: " << usedguess << endl;
wrong ++;


if(underscore == word){
  cout << "You win!" << endl;

cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==2){
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==3){
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==4){
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==5){
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==6){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==7){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I  O" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==8){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I  O" << endl;
cout << "I  |" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==9){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I  O" << endl;
cout << "I -|" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==10){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I  O" << endl;
cout << "I -|-" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==11){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I  O" << endl;
cout << "I -|-" << endl;
cout << "I /"  << endl;
cout << "I" << endl;
else if(wrong==12){
cout << "I===" << endl;
cout << "I  O" << endl;
cout << "I -|-" << endl;
cout << "I / /"<< endl;
cout << "I YOU ARE DEAD" << endl;

cout << "Game over bro! The word was: " << word <<endl;
Author: The Noob, 2015-12-04

1 answers

Para comparar as cadeias de caracteres de word e guess, você pode iterar os caracteres num for-loop, e verificar se existe uma correspondência

string word  = "hangman";
string guess = "mansomething";
string underscore = string(word.size(), '_'); // init a string with underscores equal to the length of 'word'

// iterate over the characters in word and guess
for (size_t i = 0, iend = min(word.size(), guess.size()); i < iend; i++) {
    if (word[i] == guess[i])
        underscore[i] = word[i];  // if the characters match at position i, update the underscore.

cout << underscore << endl;

Depois, underscore contém o seguinte

Author: Morris Franken, 2015-12-04 15:45:24